
عرض المشاركات من فبراير, ٢٠١٠

The Reader

العلاقة الصيفية العابرة التي غيرت حياة في كلا الفردين هي اخذته لعالم حسي جميـل و هو اخذها لعالم الكَلم بعمقه الغني و ترسبت لحب حقيقي القى بظله كل العمر هي . . بخصوص أحاسيسها البسيطة جُمل بسيطة وسط ابيات شعرية قد تبكيها تراتيل كُورس اطفال متواضع قد يضعها من على قدميها لتغوص في دموعها . . إمرأة بأحاسيس متوقعه هكذا كانت " السجانة النازية " ليست بالشخص المتوحش الذي يصوره التاريخ و بعض كتب الأدب الأدب الذي ردد احد المدرسين في احد حصصه بأنه العالم الذي ينطوي على سر في غالبه . .

(Requiem for a dream). صلاة لراحة حلم

"...the real reason to see Requiem for a Dream , beyond its intelligent ideas, amazing use of narcotic subjectivity, meaningful stylistics, and magnificent performances-is the film's remarkable balance of horror and great Jewish comedy."

i know i am not smart but iknow what love is

i know i am not smart but iknow what love is, i love Forrest Gump it comes from the heart….. The scene in which true love Jenny (Robin Wright) rejected idiot savant Forrest Gump's (Tom Hanks) request for marriage - and his reply: "I'm not a smart man, but I know what love is" - and then his quiet sadness when she left him after making love to him that night: ("Forrest, I do love you"); and years later, the scene in which they met up again and she showed him her scrapbook of his running exploits and he met young Forrest, Jr. (Haley Joel Osment) for the first time and was told that he was the father of Jenny's very normal child: ("You're his daddy, Forrest") and her reassurance: ("You didn't do anything wrong") and his reply: ("He's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen"); and the scene of them happily watching Sesame Street 's

giuseppe tornatore

Young Renato is played by a very promising and amazing actor. Strangely sharing the same first name of the director a lot of you dont know who Giuseppe Tornatore is, he is an italian filmmaker...giuseppe is one of the greatest filmmakers of our time...he is extremely talented, dramatic, VERY VERY VERY VERY ROMANTIC, and an extrodinary visual artist...i myself, have been moved by his works like Malena, Cinema Paradiso, which these 2 became one of the 2 best films i have ever seen, and have been critically and award winning films...he is very unique...very talented, HE HAS WON A LOT OF AWARDS FOR EVERY SINGLE FILM HE MADE, and overall one of the best directors एवर Giuseppe Tornatore is best known as writer/director behind the Oscar winning film CINEMA PARADISO. At athe age of 16, the multi-award-winning Tornatore made a shoft film entitled Il Carretto (the wagon) which brought him to the attention of RAI television, with which he later collaborated on several TV films. He made hi